- 21. 11. 2024
Breeam New Construction - v7
BREEAM International New Construction Version 7 (v7), set for release at the end of 2024, updates sustainability assessment criteria for buildings to align with the latest scientific insights. The new version emphasizes net zero carbon strategies, updated energy benchmarks, and stricter health and wellbeing standards, including daylight requirements and smoking bans. Version 7 introduces new minimum standards for achieving "Excellent" and "Outstanding" ratings, aligning certification with EU taxonomy for sustainable activities. Also greater integration with BREEAM In-Use ensures lifecycle sustainability.
- 31. 5. 2024
Organica building secures BREEAM Certification with "Excellent" rating
Enerfis, s.r.o. is proud to announce that the Organica building in Ostrava has earned the BREEAM International New Construction 2016 certification with an "Excellent" rating, with an assessment score of 76.1%. This milestone underscores our dedication to sustainable and energy-efficient building practices.
Key project contributors include SCHINDLER SEKO ARCHITEKTI s.r.o., CONTERA Management s.r.o., and CONTERA Investment X. s.r.o. The certification reflects a collective dedication to high environmental standards.
- 12. 1. 2024
Novinky z energetické legislativy za 4. kvartál roku 2023
V rámci pravidelného monitoringu energetické legislativy vám přinášíme nejrelevantnější novinky v právním řádu v oblasti energií za čtvrtý kvartál roku 2023:
- Rozsáhlá a zásadní novela energetického zákona, která zejména zavádí tzv. energetické společenství (téže označované jako energetická komunita), resp. společenství pro obnovitelné zdroje, v rámci kterého si členové společenství mohou sdílet a dodávat mezi sebou či mezi zákazníky vlastní vyrobenou energii. Energetická společenství jsou dle novely určena primárně pro fyzické osoby, menší až střední podniky a od nich odvozené subjekty.
- Novela vyhlášky č. 359/2020 Sb., o měření elektřiny - Mění parametry ve vyhlášce o měření elektřiny dochází zejména k navýšení výše instalovaného výkonu z 10 Kw na 50 Kw u některých měření typu B, C1 nebo C2. Dále dochází například k zavedení povinnosti provést náhradní výpočet v případě nefunkčnosti měřidla z údajů za nejvýše 36 předcházejících měsíců.
- Rovněž byly nově vydány technické normy č. ČSN EN 50160 ed. 4 (33 0122), ČSN EN 62488-2 (33 5010), ČSN EN IEC 60076-25 a ČSN EN IEC 62351-3 ed. 2.
- 29. 10. 2023
LEED v5 comming soon
In late September, USGBC presented news regarding the planned LEED v5 certification scheme. The Draft on Existing Buildings (O+M) was released in the first phase, but the first information regarding LEED v5 BD+C, which is scheduled to go into effect next year, was also released. The main theme is the decarbonisation of buildings. More information in our Blog.
- 23. 10. 2023
Novinky z energetické legislativy za 3. kvartál roku 2023
V rámci pravidelného monitoringu energetické legislativy vám přinášíme nejrelevantnější novinky v právním řádu v oblasti energií za třetí kvartál roku 2023:
- Nová vyhláška upravující činnost energetických specialistů, která nahrazuje vyhlášku předchozí - tato vyhláška stanovuje pravidla pro výkon činnosti energetického specialisty, tedy upravuje proces získání oprávnění k výkonu této činnosti, stanovuje rozsah průběžného vzdělávání energetických specialistů či upravuje obsah a rozsah odborné zkoušky.
- Novela vyhlášky o technicko-ekonomických parametrech - Mění parametry v přílohách č. 1 a 2 vyhlášky č. 79/2023 Sb., čímž dochází ke změně parametrů, na základě kterých jsou poskytovány zelené bonusy či stanovena referenční výkupní cena.
- Změna nařízení vlády o kompenzacích poskytovaných na dodávku elektřiny a plynu za stanovené ceny - Mění některé výpočty či rozhodná data pro výpočet ceny elektřiny a kompenzaci za ně.
- Cenové rozhodnutí Energetického regulačního úřadu, kterým se stanovuje podpora pro podporované zdroje energie - Toto rozhodnutí ERÚ se týká výkupních cen a zelených bonusů na elektřinu pro výrobny elektřiny uvedené do provozu nebo rekonstruované do 31.12.2021.
- 11. 7. 2023
Novinky z energetické legislativy za 2. kvartál roku 2023
V rámci pravidelného monitoringu energetické legislativy vám přinášíme nejrelevantnější novinky v právním řádu v oblasti energií za druhý kvartál roku 2023:
- Novela zákona o hospodaření s energií - Novela upravuje zejména působnost orgánů při povolovacím řízení výstavby výrobny tepla o celkovém tepelném příkonu nad 20MW a při změnách způsobů vytápění budov, kdy řízení nyní vedou zejména stavební úřady a ostatní orgány jsou dotčenými orgány.
- Změna nařízení vlády č. 463/2022 Sb., o stanovení cen elektřiny a plynu v mimořádné tržní situaci dodávaných na ztráty v distribučních soustavách a o kompenzacích poskytovaných na dodávku elektřiny a plynu na ztráty za stanovené ceny - Mění některé výpočty či rozhodná data pro výpočet ceny elektřiny a kompenzaci za ně.
- Vyhláška o stavu nouze v elektroenergetice a o obsahových náležitostech havarijního plánu - Vyhláška stanoví opatření a postupy vykonávané při předcházení stavu nouze, při stavu nouze a při odstraňování následků stavu nouze.
- Vyhláška o požadavcích na bezpečnou instalaci výrobny elektřiny využívající obnovitelné zdroje energie s instalovaným výkonem do 50 kW- Vyhláška stanoví požadavky na bezpečnou instalaci výrobny elektřiny využívající obnovitelné zdroje energie s instalovaným výkonem do 50 kW, kdy se jedná zejména o požadavky na vypnutí a odpojení od elektrické instalace a distribuční soustavy jakož požadavky na provedení kabelového vedení.
- 15. 4. 2023
Novinky z energetické legislativy za 1. kvartál roku 2023
V rámci pravidelného monitoringu energetické legislativy vám přinášíme nejrelevantnější novinky v právním řádu v oblasti energií za první kvartál roku 2023:
- Nařízení vlády o kompenzacích poskytovaných na dodávku elektřiny a plynu za stanovené ceny - Nařízení upravuje rozsah oprávněných nákladů na zajištění dodávky elektřiny nebo plynu a způsob výpočtu prokazatelné ztráty vzniklé z důvodu dodávky elektřiny nebo plynu za stanovenou cenu elektřiny nebo plynu v mimořádné tržní situaci.
- Novela energetického zákona - Novela umožňuje Ministerstvu financí za mimořádných tržních situací poskytovat zápůjčky nebo úvěry pro řešení mimořádných tržních situací a zároveň zvyšuje hranici výkonu výrobny elektřiny na 50 kW a zakotvuje i zvýšení této hranice u podmínek udělování licence ve vztahu na prokazování odborné způsobilosti.
- Změna nařízení vlády č. 5/2023 Sb. - Mění se dříve v tomto kvartálu přijaté nařízení 5/2023 Sb. a to zejména co do výpočtu kompenzace pro výrobce elektřiny.
- Vyhláška o kontrole Nařízení vlády, kterým se mění nařízení vlády č. 298/2022 Sb., o stanovení cen elektřiny a plynu v mimořádné tržní situaci - Vyhláška novelizuje původní vyhlášku z minulého kvartálu, kdy upravuje získání nadměrného majetkového prospěchu a jeho případné odvedení do státního rozpočtu. Činí tak zejména pro velké podnikatele a seskupení podnikatelů.
- 16. 1. 2023
Novinky z energetické legislativy v 2. polovině roku 2022
V rámci pravidelného monitoringu energetické legislativy vám přinášíme nejrelevantnější novinky v právním řádu v oblasti energií za druhý půlrok roku 2022:
- Novela energetického zákona - tato novela reflektuje ruskou invazi na Ukrajině, v rámci které byl zaveden systém státních příspěvků na elektřinu, plyn a teplo. Dále pak novela zavedla mimořádný stav nouze a postup spojený s jeho uplatněním v případě výpadků dodávek plynu.
- Novela vyhlášky o vyúčtování dodávek a souvisejících služeb v energetických odvětvích - tato novela zavádí povinnost výrobce elektřiny či obchdoníka s elektřinou (popř. dodavatele tepla za určitých podmínek) poskytovat zákazníkovi bezplatně informaci o vyúčtování, pokud je v odběrném místě zákazníka instalováno měřící zařízení s dálkovým přenosem údajů. Pokud není instalováno zařízení s dálkovým přenosem údajů, tak poskytuje výrobce/obchodník s elektřinou bezplatně informaci o vyúčtování do 15 dnů od předání údajů provozovatelem distribuční soustavy.
- Přijetí Nařízení vlády o stanovení cen elektřiny a plynu v mimořádné tržní situaci a o stanovení s tím souvisejícího nejvyššího přípustného rozsahu majetkového prospěchu zákazníka - Nařízení bylo přijato v návaznosti na extrémní nárůst cen energií a oproti původnímu plánu se nakonec vztahuje i na podnikatele, přičemž se zabývá cenovou politikou v souvislosti s dsitribucí elektřiny a plynu.
- Přijetí Vyhlášky o zárukách původu energie - tato vyhláška stanovuje pravidla a postup pro registraci vyroben energií v systému operátora trhu, který obratem vydává výrobně záruku původu energie (certifikát prokazující výrobu daného procenta energie z OZE).
- 7. 10. 2022
USGBC Membership
We have been involved in green building projects for many years, whether it is LEED/Well or Breeam certifications. After our membership in BRE we decided to confirm our activities in the field of sustainable buildings by becoming a member of the USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council). It is not only about LEED or Well certification itself, but also about sharing ideas from the field of environmentally friendly and energy efficient buildings among our other projects.
- 4. 2. 2022
NEW BREEAM environmental standard: discover the Version 6, valid since 14/01
We are happy to announce Enerfis’ compatibility with BREEAM’s new updated version of certification. We will be taking care of the certification process for BREEAM's latest International New Construction Version 6.
BREEAM has launched an updated version of their environmental standard, the Version 6. It presents many improvements compared to the former version. Some of these improvements include:
- Better services offered to projects aiming for a Net Zero Carbon footprint
- Energy output adjustment to EU tax classification requirements
- Modification in the fees
- Free webinars for a deeper explanation of BREEAM version 6’s functioning
For more information, do not hesitate to have a look at the official BREEAM website and our article about the BREEAM building certification.
- 15. 9. 2021
Reducing energy consumption in houses from 2022
The Czech Republic has long been among the worst ranking EU Member States in terms of requirements for modern and efficient construction. However, starting on 1 January, this is going to change. Czech lawmakers have adopted a new legislation that establishes that the evaluation criteria for determining the energy performance of a building will no longer be the quality of the building envelope alone, but also the consumption of primary non-renewable energy, which must not rise above 75 kWh/m²a.
It is important to note, however, that the new rules do not necessarily mean increased costs of house construction due to the need to purchase more expensive "greener" technologies. It will only be necessary to think more sophisticatedly about the architectural design, which in itself has a major impact on the resulting energy efficiency. If the architectural design has not been thought through in detail, this will have to be compensated for by the purchase of expensive technologies such as photovoltaic panels, heat recovery, etc.
In view of the above, it is worth mentioning a few architectural and technical rules that should be followed while designing a house:
- Architectural rules: Conditions in the particular site, Orientation of the building to the sides of the world, Optimisation of the shape of the building and Thermal zoning of the layout.
- Technical rules: Thermal bridging, Opening fillings, Design and quality of the building envelope, Envelope air permeability, Controlled ventilation with heat recovery, Heat source and distribution
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at In case you need to check the energy performance of your building, you can also have a Building Energy Performance Certificate (PENB) issued by us.
- 1. 9. 2021
BREEAM® FAST TRACK 24 is now available for all BREEAM certifications
After the great success of the BREEAM FAST TRACK 24 being available for the BREEAM in Use certification (BIU), the Building Research Establishment (BRE) widened the use of FAST TRACK 24 to all BREEAM certifications, including the BREEAM New Construction assessment, starting on 1st September.
How does it all work? FAST TRACK 24 guarantees you that BRE QA will give you feedback on you submission within 24 hours upon the confirmation of acceptance of your submission (note: the time limit for accepting/declining a submission is 24 hours as well). You can use the FAST TRACK 24 for one submission only (that means that if there was an error in your submission and you would need to resubmit, you would have to pay for FAST TRACK 24 again). Also note that the time limit of 24 hours relates only to the feedback on the one particular submission, not on the entire certification process.
Alongside the FAST TRACK 24 also exists a special service called “FAST TRACK”. Just like the FAST TRACK 24, you can use it with all types of BREEAM certifications, however the difference between the two is that FAST TRACK includes not only one submission, but three. On the other hand, the time limit for the QA feedback is not 24 hours, but 3 days upon the confirmation of acceptance, and in case of a resubmission, the time limit is 2 days.
Therefore, FAST TRACK 24 is ideal for you if you are confident that your submission is error-free, or if you are satisfied with just one submission expedited. On the other hand, you should choose FAST TRACK if you are going for a quick feedback on multiple submissions of one assessment, particularly if it is possible that those submissions might contain some errors, since FAST TRACK presumes the possibility of a resubmission.
If you are still not sure how BREEAM certification works, feel free to visit our article The BREEAM building certification or visit the BREEAM official website.
- 1. 6. 2021
New decree on energy audit
A new decree No. 140/2021 Coll. about the energy audit has been in force for two months (from 1.4.2021). This norm changes the structure and content of an energy audit. It proceeds according to the initially set energy audit plan, which is mutually agreed between the client and the energy audit supplier. There is also a closer link to ISO 50001.
- 14. 3. 2021
Blog: energy efficiency
Check out our blog! For more info about energy efficiency.
- 23. 11. 2020
We are Schneider Electric Partners
We are happy to become a partner of Schneider Electric. Together, we are focusing on effective use of energy and buildings for 21st century.
- 5. 10. 2020
We are here for you
In relation to the second wave of coronavirus and the state of emergency in the Czech Republic, we are assuring the maximum safety of your employees and clients. That's why we are using mostly contactless communication: e-mail, phone, social media. Our employees work partially on home office to make sure the projects have no complications. Remote technological building management is an advatage for our clients. In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us on +420 222 766 950 or
Thank you.
- 11. 9. 2020
Building certification as a response to circular construction?
Vladimír Svozil commented on building certification and sustainability. BREEAM, LEED, SBToolCZ are certifications we are involved in.
- 16. 7. 2020
Water Shield Prevents Water Leakage
The Enectiva application offers now a new intuitive feature: the WaterShield. It sends you a mail notification in case of water leakage and you can prevent water leakage in time.
- 29. 6. 2020
Internet Explorer End of Support
Just like Microsoft, we will no longer support Internet Explorer browser for Enectiva application.
If you are still using it, please switch as soon as possible to another alternative. We do support Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari and other frequently used web browser. - 23. 6. 2020
Air Quality Sensor: CO2 NL-ECO
New features, ecological, accurate, personalized. This is the new CO2 sensor by Protronix NL-ECO. You can get it in the Hardware section.
- 26. 3. 2020
News in the Enectiva application
We have improved the user interface of binary data series for better clarity and efficiency. Binary data series are usually used to monitor two opposed states, such as open/closed, on/off etc. Read more on our blog.
- 23. 3. 2020
Carbon neutrality for companies
In the last couple of years, carbon neutrality has become a global issue and companies are reacting – some of them are even building a part of their philosophy on carbon neutrality, mostly because the company’s attitude towards climate became an essential factor in customer behaviour.
- 16. 3. 2020
COVID-19 Enerfis Measures
Dear Enerfis clients and friends,
regarding to the circumstances and the announcement of emergency and quarantine measures in the Czech Republic and regarding to the health of all members of our team, customers and suppliers, the operation of our office in Prague 5 is limited now.
Even that, we continue to work from our homes and the delivery of unfinished projects is not affected. In case of our installation projects, they will be postponed until after the emergency state or set up ad-hoc dates and conditions.If you have any questions, we are available at the central telephone number +420 222 766 950 and our standard emails.
May the force be with you,
The Enerfis Team
- 12. 2. 2020
New rules for new buildings in the Czech Republic
Since the beginning of 2020 in the Czech Republic, new family houses with build up area bigger than 50 m2 must have almost zero energy consumption. Until 2022, new changes will arrive. Get to know the PENB conditions.
- 16. 1. 2020
SCADA systems integrated with cloud services
Two years ago, we have made our first step toward turning Enectiva into a multi-functional cloud platform by adding a smart calendar, the possibility to upload documents and track requirements. Now the transformation is going further - we present you a new way to control all of your technology on-line.
What you can control remotely with Enectiva now?
- Heating, Cooling, Air-condition (HVAC)
- Inside or outside lighting systems
- Production technologies
- Switch on/off anything online directly from the app
- Adjust temperatures, heating curve setup
- Monitor fault conditions and alarms through SMS or email
- Supervision and visualisation (SCADA)
We keep our hardware independenceHow does it work?Controlling part is assured by controllers (Programmable Logic Computers), which are connected to individual buildings (or another type of entity) directly in the Enectiva app. You can connect one or more controllers (which would control individual technology) to each building/entity. This approach helps maximize management efficiency and control several locations directly from one application.Get more details in Enectiva blog. - 12. 8. 2019
We launched a new website for Enectiva Facility Management!
The website is full of features:
- All necessary info & Price list
- How to use
- Elaborate use cases
- Blog about facility management
Check out the new website on
- 31. 5. 2019
Enerfis has been invited to a Czech Technology Platform conference
We have been invited to a conference of the Czech Technology Platform as last year winners of Czech Technology Platform Smart Grid Award. The CZP supports the development of smart grid in the Czech Republic by awarding innovative projects engaged in smart grid business. In the conference, we have presented our platform Enectiva and how it brings innovation in the energy management field.
- 28. 5. 2019
Enerfis has been invited to a conference about the Obligations of building administrators in 2019
On 5/29 2019 we have participated at the conference concerning the obligations of the building administrator in 2019. The conference concerned mostly news in the building administration, legislative changes and energy management. We have contributed to the program by presenting our solution for online energy management Enectiva and our solution for online building management Enectiva Facility.
- 22. 5. 2019
10 tips on how to decrease water consumption in cities
In the last few years, the Czech cities have been suffering from enormous drought. Water has become a valuable resource and we have to treat it like one - that's why we have put together, based on our know-how, a list of 10 tips for city authorities on how to decrease water consumption and how to treat water efficiently.
For more detailed information visit our article 10 tips on how to decrease water consumption in cities.
- 15. 5. 2019
New Enectiva feature - Data series
Data series will help you to reach even better insight about your energy consumption. You would be able to better implement saving measures and better detect energy wastes and leakes. In the end, you will save more energy and money.
The principle of data series is simple. You can input (manually or automatically) whichever kind of data you wish into the Enectiva application, for example, from a sensor (CO2 sensor, humidity sensor, temperature sensor etc.). In the case of a factory, you can, for example, input the amount of product manufactured. Enectiva will then display your data series in function of time (or in function of another data series).
For more detailed info, visit our article about New Enectiva feature - Data series
- 19. 2. 2019
Enerfis blogs - CO2 sensor
CO2 can rise up to twice the recommended value in a closed room for 3 hours. This reduces productivity and increases fatigue. And people often do not realize that there is an excess of CO2 in the room, because increasing its concentration is very inconspicuous. However, the state of CO2 is an ideal way to effectively regulate forced ventilation without unnecessary energy losses due to excessive ventilation.
For more information visit our article on the impact of CO2 on our productivity and how to prevent it.
- 13. 11. 2018
Conference Safe building operation in 2019
11/13 2018, the Enerfis team attended a conference "Safe building operation in 2019 - Administrator's duties according to the current legislation. The conference dealt with the possibilities of effective building operation and how not to get lost in technical devices revisions. Besides, we came to know about safety system innovations. The entire conference was under the auspices of the publication "Manual of the building administrator".
- 21. 7. 2018
Enerfis blogs. New article on the technical audit of the building.
We have written about our experiences in the field of technical due diligence of buildings. You can read our tips in a new article on our blog here.
- 31. 5. 2018
At the end of May, we participated in the professional event PODĚBRADY 2018 with a focus on current issues and selected problems of electricity system management. This was the 23rd annual meeting of power engineers, traditionally organized by EGÚ Praha Engineering, a.s. The whole event was divided into two main thematic blocks - Electric Power Engineering of the Czech Republic / Slovakia and Methodology and Technical Solutions for Electric Power Engineering. Our company presented the SMART METERING project.
- 7. 2. 2018
Enectiva received an award for 2017!
Czech Technology Platform supports smart grid development in Czech Republic by holding Czech Technology Platform Smart Grid Award. Our energy management system Enectiva was one of 6 award-winning projects. We were honored to take part in the ceremony and meet representatives for other winning projects: ENET VŠB, Cryosoft, Dopravní podnik hl.m. Prahy, ČEPS and ŠKODA Auto, with whom we discussed our vision and plans. It is our belief that together, we can promote and apply concepts of Smart Energy in practice.
- 13. 11. 2017
Skanska Reality STARTUP Day
Skanska Reality is a residential developer operating on the Czech market for 20 years. The company decided to organize, in cooperation with Digiskills, a day of interesting projects in the field of smart technologies, which are backed by small innovative companies. We also accepted the invitation. The aim of this event was to connect the management of Skanska Reality with selected companies for the purpose of future cooperation. We presented successful projects in the field of Breeam and LEED certifications, as well as our cloud application Enectiva for energy monitoring, which is an integral part of a smart home in premium housing, which Skanska Reality also brings with its housing construction.
- 14. 9. 2017
Most companies have opted for an energy audit
According to a survey conducted by KPMG, most Czech companies have decided to comply with the amendment to Act 406/2000 Coll. on energy management in the form of energy audit. This is a full 70% of respondents. Only 11% of all surveyed companies in the field of industry decided to implement ISO 50001.
A very interesting finding is the fact that companies that have decided to implement energy management see greater potential for savings in production technologies and companies that have done an energy audit then purely in the operation of buildings.
According to the survey, most companies plan to renovate their lighting in the coming years (22%), another 18% plan to invest in more efficient production technologies, 17% want to make better use of waste heat and 14% plan to insulate their buildings. 12% of companies are also planning to introduce automatic regulation of energy equipment and only 5.5% plan to invest in their own renewable energy sources.
Link to KPMG press release here.
- 4. 8. 2017
What is hiding behind this acronym? National electronic tool - an environment for awarding public contracts of the state administration (so far), whose use is regulated by a resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic. During 2018, the NEN will become the place where most public procurement can be found. We participated in the workshop "NEN - a practical guide to submitting a bid", which made it much easier for us to get acquainted with this tool, and a week later we managed to successfully submit a bid.
- 1. 7. 2017
In June, we participated in the SMART MAINTENANCE startup day, organized by Škoda Auto in Mladá Boleslav in order to connect interesting startups with various company departments. Within the Czech Republic and Slovakia, we were selected as one of about ten companies that could boast of its innovative products and services. Almost 100 technical managers saw our presentation on energy management services. We established connections with some of them during networking and we believe that this was the beginning of our future cooperation.
- 2. 2. 2017
IoT Meetup in Prague
Enerfis participated in the largest IoT event in Prague. Michala Tallová presented all participants our Enectiva sollution and its deployment in towns and municipalities using the Sigfox network. Energy monitoring and monitoring of sensor data is one of the core applications of IoT applications. However, its time has not yet arrived in the Czech Republic. Western Europe is a different story.
- 3. 12. 2016
Round table - Smart City
On 29 November 2016, we participated conference "Round table - Smart City" in spaces of PWC Prague. The event, organized by publisher Sdělovacít technika s.r.o., was attended by around twenty professionals from the field of public administration, consulting companies, and manufacturers of hardware. The biggest debate broke out around actual implementation of projects of Smart Cities in local region.
- 28. 3. 2016
Enerfis participates in the conference "Heating plant Days" in Hradec Králové on April 13-14, 2016
On April 13, 2016, you can see us at the Heating Days conference in Hradec Králové, where we will actively participate in the program with our lecture. The topics will relate to energy savings in small and medium-sized enterprises, as energy savings will ensure the competitiveness of Czech companies and their business.
Venue: Nové Adalbertinum Congress Center, Hradec Králové
Date: April 13, 2016
- 27. 1. 2016
Energy monitoring using the Enectiva API
The API (Application Programming Interface) allows Enectiva to connect to other company systems, measurement and control systems, or to your own devices designed for energy data collection. The energy management system thus becomes completely independent of the hardware used.
An example of using API:
- Consumption data can be sent to the application directly from your current MaR or building management system
- Costs from energy invoices are sent to Enectiva from the accounting software, so you can see them immediately in the energy statistics.
- Data on production, sales, and occupancy can be sent from the company's ERP systems and used for energy benchmarking.
- Thanks to the API, even the weather stations themselves can be integrated into Enectiva and data on temperatures or climate information usable within energy management can be sent.
The Enectiva API fits into our philosophy, where we want Enectiva to be a HW-independent system for efficient and affordable energy management.
- 23. 12. 2015
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
We would like to thank everyone for their cooperation in the past year and at the same time wish our customers, partners or just visitors to this site a lot of health and energy in 2016. Last year we managed to implement many interesting projects from online energy monitoring systems to implementation of ISO 50001 or BREEAM or LEED certification. We believe that 2016 will be no less interesting professionally and we are sincerely looking forward to the waiting technical challenges.
The Enerfis team
- 1. 11. 2015
Smart city in Czech
There is a huge potential for energy savings in cities and towns. So far, the public sector has focused as much as possible on thermal insulation and reconstruction of the thermal economy, however, energy monitoring provides a very effective investment in energy savings. More on our Enectiva blog in the article Smart City in Czech.
- 12. 9. 2015
Frequently asked questions about energy audits
With regard to the new legislation and frequently asked questions from customers, we decided to write down the questions and answers of those who repeated themselves the most. You can find the answers to frequently asked questions directly in the new section under Energy Audit.
- 20. 6. 2015
Analysis of energy consumption in office buildings
On-line energy monitoring Enectiva provides interesting information for anyone interested in energy efficiency. With our team we have prepared a report in which we evaluate energy consumption in office buildings in the Czech Republic. Just click on the Energy Office Building insights.
- 22. 5. 2015
The impact of the time change on the public lighting systems.
Have you ever wondered about the impact of the time change, a transition from winter to summer, on the electricity consumption? Because our system Enectiva is deployed at several locations for monitoring public lighting, we are able to evaluate such an impact. More news on
- 12. 4. 2015
New website and services for municipalities and cities
We launched the website, which focuses on the issue of public lighting in cities and towns.
- 31. 3. 2015
Heating plant days with the participation of Enerfis
As a part of the district heating days, a conference "Energy savings not only in cities and municipalities" is being held on April 8, 2015, in which Enerfis is also actively participating with its lecture. We cordially invite all our partners and those interested in energy savings.
- 27. 2. 2015
Monitoring of austerity measures
Enerfis monitors and evaluates cost-saving projects. If you perform insulation, window replacement, lighting reconstruction, we can offer our online energy monitoring Enectiva. Thanks to it, you will get an overview of exactly how much and when you are saving at any time and from anywhere in the world.
- 28. 12. 2014
Motivation of companies for the introduction of energy management
A new article on our blog on the topic of motivational factors for the implementation of energy management in companies. The full post can be read here.
- 16. 12. 2014
New Enectiva web launched!
Enectiva got a brand new winter coat. Visit our new website where all of you can read about benefits of Enectiva, new features or send us a request for test account. New website here. - 14. 9. 2014
Forecast of energy demand
According to BP (British Petroleum) we will need more than 41% of energy by 2035. This and other information about enegy trends are available here. Or more information realted to European Union on our Blog.
- 20. 7. 2014
Enerfis at the conference “Business Energy 2014”
As a lecturer, Enerfis will participate in the conference "Business Energy 2014", which will take place as part of the International Engineering Fair in Brno on September 30, 2014.
The conference will focus on topics related to ESG (Enterprise Smart Grids), improving energy management and the management of energy business networks in general. Enerfis will focus primarily on the efficient use of energy in industrial areas and operations.
- 10. 7. 2014
BLOG Enerfis
Two days ago, we launched a new BLOG. We want to use this space as a "Hyde Park" of energy management, energy audits, green building and certification or new and exciting technologies. BLOG is designed for all professionals who wants to present their opinions and share them with others. If you are interested to become a blogger please contact us.
- 14. 5. 2014
70 billion CZK to support energy efficiency buildings
The government wants to invest up to 70 billion CZK in the next five years, the in the construction industry. Specifically, in support of low-energy housing and renovation of current buildings. Informed about the economic newspaper and according to the statement of Prime Mister Mr. Sobotka this plan, which will bring up 21,000 new jobs, has got full support.
- 19. 2. 2014
Enerfis participates on Aquatherm Prague exibition
Enerfis participates in the conference Facility management practice that is part of the fair Aquatherm Praha 2014 held from 4 to 7.3 2014 in Prague. During our lecture we will discuss the possibility of energy monitoring and saving possibilities that such monitoring brings. The entire program can be found on the website
- 17. 2. 2014
Energy optimization in industry
For a successful company ZLKL, among others, the company of the year 2014 in Olomouc region, we performed energy optimization of their three manufacturing facilities in Moravičany and Loštice. A more detailed form of energy audit focused on measures with a ROI within 3 years revealed a potential savings of almost 900 000, - CZK. More about the project here.
- 10. 1. 2014
Seminar - Management and operation of real estate
Enerfis participates at a seminar organized by TZB-INFO CZ and IFMA on "Management and operation of real estate, facility manegment in practice." Enerfis is teaching participants how to manage energy easily on their building portfolios.
- 10. 12. 2013
Energy models for building certification
For new development project J & T, we have implemented energy simulation for three planned office buildings in Prague. The buildings will be LEED certified under the scheme Core & Shell for a client, we prepared a complete evidence for international certification.
- 1. 10. 2013
Energy for the Future
Enerfis is a partner of the 10th year of the conference "Energy for the Future", which is organized as a supporting program of the International Engineering Fair in Brno. - 2. 9. 2013
Certification in standard SBToolCZ - new service
Due to the increased interest of our customers, we have introduced a new service buildings Certification - Certification according to Czech standard SBToolCZ.
- 4. 8. 2013
Invitation to a public course
DEKRA Certification Ltd. in conjunction with the Energy Agency and Enerfis Ltd. all interested parties to attend the public course: Energy performance of buildings / energy management. - 26. 7. 2013
Green for Savings
From August 12, 2013 will be possible to apply for a grant from the "Green for Savings". It is a program administered by the Ministry of Environment of the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic focused on energy savings and renewable energy in houses. In case of interest in the application process contact or +420 222 766 950 - 13. 4. 2013
New page with references
In Enerfis know that the highest quality and reliability in the implementation of projects is the main thing that our clients require. For these reasons, we have modified the reference page and add to it a lot of interesting information about our of past projects. - 13. 2. 2013
PENB vs. a laic or what will it bring me as a laic?
PENB is actually a way to easily tell a laic the complex issue of building quality in terms of energy efficiency. It is true that PENB will not tell you how much will be on your energy bill at the end of the year. However, the car dealer will not tell you what consumption the car will have when you start driving with it.
- 19. 12. 2012
Breeam certification in 7 office buildings
In the second half of 2012, our company participated in the certification of a total of six very architecturally very special and, from the tenants' point of view, very lucrative office buildings. The certification took place in the Breeam standard and our task was to assess the current state of the buildings in terms of biodiversity and to propose such modifications that will strengthen the biodiversity of individual buildings. A more detailed description of these projects can be found here.
- 12. 12. 2012
Energy study of an apartment building in Prague's Hládkov
Our customer in this project was the owner of an apartment building in Prague's Hládkov. The owner recently took ownership of this building and the project was therefore focused on mapping the current state of the building in terms of energy. I.e. finding problems that have a fundamental impact on the energy balance of the building, proposing variants for solving these problems and using energy and economic optimization of individual measures to determine the priority of their implementation. More here.
- 2. 12. 2012
Data collection from 106 meters on 2N buildings
Measurement is the basis of successful energy management. Our team implemented a project of collecting data from 106 meters into the Enectiva system. The customer 2N s.r.o., which manages three administrative properties with a total area of 10,000 m2, thus obtained a tool to simply have all energy under control. More info here.
- 20. 7. 2012
Enectiva software solution developed by our company in the Facility manager magazine
A new issue of the Facility Manager magazine was published this month. On page 16 you will find the article "Energy management as added value for tenants" talking about the software Enectiva that we have developed. The article can be read in the online edition of the magazine at the following link.
- 10. 6. 2012
New website launched
We have launched a new website and you can be a part of that - it is filled with information!
Enerfis has launched its new website today. We hope it will appeal to both our customers and all visitors.
- 23. 3. 2012
Enerfis as a part of Breeam certification
Enerfis became a part of the recertification of the Mosaic House Hotel in Prague in the Breeam standard. Our part of the project consisted of compiling a plan to increase biodiversity and proposing appropriate measures to support both fauna and flora.
- 15. 3. 2012
Professional measurements in the Libertas complex
The Enerfis team performed thermal imaging measurements, as well as humidity and temperature measurements in the administrative complex of Libertas a.s. All this in order to find savings in heating and identify suitable investments in the building envelope.